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Tuesday 7 November 2023

Choosing Careers: Making the Right decision

Whether you are looking to enter the work force for the first time or contemplating a career change, the first step towards choosing a fulfilling career is to uncover the activities that get you excited and bring you joy.

Most of us have fallen into the trap of thinking that the sole point of work is to ‘bring home enough money to live comfortably’. That’s what we have been brought up with -become a high achiever to get the best in life. While adequate monetary compensation is important in any job, it’s not all that counts. If you are dis-satisfied with what you do every day, then going to the same workplace each day can take a toll on your physical and mental health. You may feel burned out and frustrated, anxious, depressed, or unable to enjoy time at home with friends and family, knowing another boring workday is ahead. What’s more, if you don’t find your work meaningful and rewarding, it’s hard to keep the momentum going to advance in your career. You are more likely to be successful in a career that you feel passionate about. So chosing the right career is important to you, as are all the decisions in your life and this is something you need to work out on your own.

The lack of career counseling and proper planning shows up in the form of a horde of college graduates flooding the streets each year, with no work place to go to. Majority amongst them are disillusioned youths who believe that because they have an MBA degree in their hands, the world should grovel at their feet. There are others who have good practical, research, teaching and creative skills, but these do not show up in their academic records. Others lie wedged between the two conflicting parties- the famous ‘sandwiches’ who have their hearts in one profession and their legs in another and somehow can’t bring the two worlds to meet. If you are assertive enough you may chalk out a career path for yourself and choose your own domain. But the choice once made is irrevocable and we fear in our marrow that we may have to live with the consequences of our choice forever. We could always find fault in the model our parents presented before us. Now we realize how hard it is to stand in their shoes. Most people succumb to family pressure in the choice of a profession largely because of this fear. They can always blame them if things don’t work out.Sometimes the momentum of one big burst of inspiration can carry you through life. But often we chase ideals, sacrifice so much in the pursuit of our dreams, and then realize that it is not worth it all. Worst still, we may start suffering from self-doubt. The eternally baffling question is “Are you really well-equipped to handle it?” Fears are a part of everyone’s life. Simply closing your eyes won’t work. Stand up and face the world.
Whether you’re just out of college, or finding that opportunities are limited in your current position of work or,  facing unemployment, you need to review your career path. The right career is out there for everyone. By learning how to research options wisely, realize your strengths, and acquire new skills, as well as muster the courage to make a change, you can discover the career that’s right for you.

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