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Sunday 19 October 2014

Life in the Dreamhouse.... as Doctor Barbie

Life in the Dreamhouse.......

A pathologist's perspective.

I have never been a barbie fan. Partly because of my conservative upbringing and mainly due to the unacceptable, under-dressed barbie fashion image. Barbie dolls were for rich spoiled girls who had nothing better to do except fuss over boys, clothes, hair and makeup. So my reaction to 'Doctor barbie' at a toy store was overwhelming and I couldn't suppress my amusement when my daughter pointed to the doll with the stethoscope and white coat and exclaimed..'Mama!'

Researchers argue that Barbie dolls conveys iconic messages helping to shape the idea in little girls’ minds that looking attractive is all-important. They point to studies supporting the notion that girls who play with barbie dolls are more fashion-centered and less professionally oriented. certain professions are suitable only for men. This notion is subsequently reinforced by movies, television shows, advertisements, and the like, as well as old fashioned friends and relatives.

Barbie has gone from a fashion doll to a real-life barbie this year; she used to be just a toy, but now has gone from a hunk of plastic to a controversial iconic figure.

Here is a selection of  quotes from the internet about the world’s favourite fashion doll as a doctor.




 Doctor Barbie Research



Could playing with fashion dolls limit a girl’s sense of possibility?  

A recent study out of Oregon State University has concluded that Barbie may have the potential to do just that.

In the study, an experiment to see how Barbie might influence career choices,  girls aged 4 through 7 were randomly assigned  to play with one of three toys: fashion Barbie, Dr. Barbie–with lab coat and stethoscope, or the more ambiguously-gendered, handbag-carrying Mrs. Potato Head.
After just a few minutes of play time, the girls were asked if they thought they could do any of a list of five traditionally -male- dominated, and five traditionally-female-dominated jobs when they grew up. They were also asked if boys could do those jobs.
The girls who played with Mrs. Potato Head believed they could do any of the jobs the boys could do. The girls who played with Barbie– it didn’t matter if it was fashion Barbie or  career Barbie– reported that they could do fewer jobs than boys could do.


I know what you may be thinking: “But Dr. Barbie has a lab coat and a stethoscope and everything!” And as a Barbie addict who grew up aspiring to be a surgeon, I share your confusion. But the study’s authors suggest that it’s the doll’s sexualized body—not her accessories—that is affecting young girls and giving them restrictive cues. Does this mean all females should wear burlap sacks if they want to be doctors or engineers? I certainly hope not. But if your little one favors tiny-waisted, full-busted toys, it might not hurt to throw a shapeless, plastic spud into the collection.



Barbie May Be Hazardous to Your Daughter’s Career Aspirations

• March 05, 2014 

it was a different story for those who played with either Barbie. They “reported fewer careers as future possibilities for themselves than they reported were possible for boys.” In other words, those who played with a Barbie doll “saw fewer future opportunities for themselves.”
“This was true whether the Barbie was dressed as either a fashion model or as a doctor,” Sherman and Zurbriggen add. “It appears that the doll itself trumps the role suggested by the costuming.”
While noting they were surprised by the Doctor Barbie findings, they point out that “adding a doctor coat and a stethoscope” may not have been sufficient “to override the sexualized clues embedded in the outfit.” A Doctor Barbie in plain medical scrubs may have had a different effect. So, presumably, might the realistically proportioned Barbie-like doll which, coincidentally, has just been unveiled by its inventor.



Doctor Barbie Doesn’t Make Girls Want to Be Doctors



The 10 Most Depressing Barbie Dolls Ever Made

Psychological disorders. Failed attempts at greatness. Unplanned pregnancies. This chick has issues.
   BuzzFeed Staf
Nip/Tuck Barbie

7. Nip/Tuck Barbie

Back story:Things start looking up for Barbie when she’s miraculously accepted to med school (apparently University of Phoenix online college has one of those) and becomes Plastic Surgeon Barbie in 1973.
Worse yet: Deep in her heart, Barbie knows that fixing others’ imperfections won’t heal her own. 


Doctor barbie mobile apps


Barbie's Plastic Surgery and Beyond: The Worst iPhone Apps for Kids

by Liz Gumbinner

Barbie's Plastic Surgery and Beyond: The Worst iPhone Apps for Kids
This week, parents–and anyone else with an iota of common sense–expressed outrage over the discovery of the Barbie Plastic Surgery App, whose name was soon changed to Barbara for legal reasons. As for ethical changes? Not so much. The app, rated for kids 9+ (just the age they should be fretting about their thighs) describes "Barbara" as an unfortunate girl with so much extra weight that no diet can help her. Kids are then instructed to go to clinic for liposuction to "make her slim and beautiful" after which they get to slice up her face graphically.
I only wish I were kidding.
While there's a ton of buzz about this app which has since been pulled, we looked into the developer, Corina Rodriguez, and it seems she (it?) has a whole bunch of soulless, ethically-devoid, WTF-is-she-thinking children's apps on the app store. They are all free, and not surprisingly, packed with pop-up ads with every click.
(Update - Jan. 13, 2014: The game has been renamed “Plastic Surgery Barbara” and is available in the iTunes store).

This girl is very beautiful, but she has big problems with her teeth! Let's eliminate this problem which prevents her from living a normal life! Age rating: 4+

Barbie's Plastic Surgery and Beyond: The Worst iPhone Apps for Kids

 Leg & Foot Surgery & Doctor & Hospital Office for Barbie
Barbie got hit by a car this morning and according to her doctor's x-rays she has a broken leg…help Barbie's doctor take the best decision in her case, choosing from the three possible cures the one which seems more appropriate.
Age rating: 9+
Barbie's Plastic Surgery and Beyond: The Worst iPhone Apps for Kids





Dr. Perry Cox (Scrubs Character)

from "Scrubs" (2001)   

pumpkin-spice flavored | by maryann johanson

Doctor Who blogging: “Cold War”

Mon Apr 15 2013 Random thoughts on “Cold War”:
Why does the Doctor carry a Barbie doll around with him?
Doctor Who Cold War Matt Smith
And why is he this happy to get it back? Is this one of those things that no one else is supposed to be able to handle knowing about the Doctor?




10 Apr 2012
The only reason I go through this awful torture every semester is because I know I'll be insanely wealthy when I'm done


facebook covers

I'm not the prettiest girl, or the smartest, but im the best i can be, if you want some one perfect.....go buy a barbie.

Donate Blood With Barbie

Medical humor

Source: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5252/5453072219_11e10b2058.jpg